At Mercury, we have assembled a team of people who are passionate about the entrepreneurial journey. We walk beside our entrepreneurs in their accomplishments, in their challenges – on good days and bad. We empathize with our founders because many of us have founded and operated businesses of our own. We understand the ups and downs of the journey.
In an effort to better represent our mission to collaborate with entrepreneurs and innovation in Middle America, we are excited to reveal Mercury’s new brand.
On September 12, 1962, John F. Kennedy stood at Rice University in Houston, Texas and said “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win….”
Our entrepreneurs choose to build great companies. They choose to disrupt the status quo. Not because it is easy, but because it is hard. That path, however, is not only hard but often lonely. We know this, and because of it, entrepreneurs are at the center of everything we do. They motivate us, they move us, and we feel fortunate when they choose to partner with us.

Represented as the sun in orange, at the center of our logo, is the entrepreneur. Central to our efforts and at the core of why we exist, the entrepreneur anchors our logo. In blue, at the top right, is Mercury. Always in collaboration with the entrepreneur and never overshadowing, Mercury intersects with the entrepreneur to enable, empower, and partner, and hopefully move their startup “up and to the right.” Our entrepreneurial intersections are crucial to what we do and it is what drives our team every single day.
We are proud of the entrepreneurs we have funded, the network we have built, and the thriving innovation ecosystem in Middle America. We believe in the spirit and rigor of the entrepreneur and are excited to continue partnering with the companies in our portfolio. We also look forward to all the future entrepreneurs and innovators we will have the privilege of meeting, and hopefully partnering with, on their journey.